Welcome to Enable
When I come across organizations or companies that have made an impact on the world over time, I am always interested in learning why their founders chose to do the hard work of starting them. To be honest, some have formed companies because, in a flash of self-awareness, they have concluded that the only bosses that they can work for are themselves! More often than not, however, these successful organizations were formed to accomplish something of passionate interest to the founders, whether that something was drastically improving an existing product, service or idea, filling a hole by creating something not currently available, or helping humanity by solving an intractable problem or remedying some wrong.
In thinking about organizations that I admire for their long track record of growth, impact, and success, it seems that most display a consistent, ongoing commitment to the same powerful “Why?” that was the basis for their formation at the beginning.
As we launch the Enable Ministry Partners blog, I want to share our “Why?”. We started Enable Ministry Partners in Houston in 2001 as the outworking of a simple and powerful purpose that continues to drive us today. Enable’s “Why?” is “Changing Lives by Serving Those Who Serve.” This passion drove me to form Enable in 2001, and it is still the guiding force that dictates philosophy and operations today, almost 17 years later. We believe business can and should be a catalyst for changed lives.
We execute on our purpose by providing churches with technology solutions and IT consulting that enable ministry and enhance Kingdom impact while maximizing the stewardship of resources. Why churches? We believe that churches have a unique role to play in meeting the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs of people all over the world. Daily, they work to change the lives of those they help. Our job and our passion as a company is to serve those churches. We believe firmly that IT solutions and technology can and should play a vital role in assisting churches to reach, serve, educate and care for people.
Across the world, people face many difficult challenges related to issues such as poverty, hunger, no access to clean water, addictions of all kinds, orphaned status, homelessness, sex trafficking of children, mental illness, illiteracy, family instability, disease, spiritual poverty, etc. These are hard problems, and they are difficult to solve. We believe that the solutions to these problems have spiritual as well as material foundations. Local churches, (and the additional ministry organizations that they start and support,) are uniquely positioned to connect with people and provide life-changing help and support that addresses all aspects of these tough issues.
Because of the strategic role that churches play in meeting needs and improving the lives of others, we are committed to providing our church technology skills, inspiration, gifts, action, creativity, and passion to supporting and enable them. This is our passion, our “Why?” if you will, and it is why we do what we do.
Because this is our purpose, we will be using our blog to provide information and knowledge around the latest church IT trends and technology developments, Church Management Software and Data Analytics expertise, and Managed Security services. We also want to put a ministry spotlight on the stories of many churches who are making a significant impact in the world by focusing their time, energy, creativity and passion on reaching others with the Gospel and being agents of change in their lives. We are encouraged by these remarkable people, and hope that you will be as well! We also hope that their examples may provide inspiration and ideas for your ministry endeavors.
Our “Why?” is straightforward, as is our strategy for accomplishing its promise. So, we invite you to join with our community as we work together, “Changing Lives by Serving Those Who Serve.”