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Enable Webinar | Pastor Panel: Ministry Strategies for 2020


We asked a group of pastors and thought leaders from some of our church clients to talk through their ministry approach for the rest of this year, during this time of uncertainty and transition. Our panelists offer honest insights and their willingness to share their thoughts (and even uncertainties) as we all navigate ministry changes is encouraging. They discuss what it really looks like for the body to “be the church” when gathering in the church building isn’t an option, and what it will look like to transition back into meeting together in person. The discussion touches on adjustments to children’s ministry, what lessons have been learned and which aspects of the recent months will carry over into the “new normal,” how technology has helped support the church during this time (and how it will continue to do so), how to best prevent staff burnout right now, and several other topics related to this unprecedented time in the world and in ministry.

Topics and Questions Discussed in the Webinar:

  • As your church reopens, what will your new normal look like? What expectations do you anticipate your congregation, staff & volunteers having when we reopen the doors? (7:10)
  • What are the biggest challenges your church is facing as we transition into our new normal? (14:06)
  • What is your church’s plan for ministry this summer, considering social distancing/people’s fear/other health concerns? What does the community need from us right now and this summer? (19:37)
  • What is your plan for bringing your staff back into the office? What adjustments will you make for social distancing? (25:57)
  • What indicators will determine when you will go back into the office and reopen onsite services? What’s your ideal timeline for reopening and how are you determining your timeline? (31:29)
  • What lessons are you taking from your mandatory stay-at-home experience that will impact the shape of your ministry moving forward? What changes do you think will be permanent for your church? (38:18)

Live Q&A Questions from the Viewers:

  • Are you anticipating budget shortfalls this year? How are you encouraging giving when so many are suddenly in a difficult financial position? (45:30)
  • When your Church re-opens, will your church provide the “PPE” for staff and church members during services? If so, are you prepared to meet the quantity requirements? (48:05)
  • Do you plan to keep all the tech-forward components in place in your new normal? Are you worried continued live-streaming might impact attendance and engagement? What tools/innovations that your churches are currently using do you think will persist even after churches return to a more normal way of meeting together? (49:28)
  • How are you approaching traditional group activities this summer like camps and VBS? What other changes are you seeing for the younger generation? (54:09)
  • Your staff is serving your congregation in the midst of a crisis, as well as taking care of their families and maybe fighting their own anxieties. How are you caring for your staff and making sure they aren’t burning out? (56:01)

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